Thursday, July 31, 2008
"EASY RIDER San Remo, Italy, Jun 17 After dining with friends, Keanu Reeves dodges overeager fans on his motorcycle"
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A Visit to Orange County Choppers - Road Trip

We rode in three groups, each with a leader and drag rider. Most members communicated via CBs to keep the groups together and informed.
I had seen the guys from OCC in June, 2004 when I was at the Americade Rally in Lake George, NY. At that time they were becoming well known through their TV show, American Chopper.
The motorcycle community was split as to whether they were amateurs who got lucky or genuine biker craftsmen who knew how to create a masterpiece chopper. I think that most were amazed that they caught on so fast and made a bundle of money doing what backyard mechanics had already been doing for 30 years.
Sometimes when I attend a motorcycle rally, something unexpected happens. At Americade 2004, I found out that the Orange County Chopper (OCC) cast from the Discovery Channel's American Chopper (now on The Learning Channel), was going to be in the area. This was not an official Americade event. It was thought up by the town fathers of Bolton Landing, a town 10 miles north of Lake George. They felt that they needed to do something to attract some of the 60,000 or so Americaders and get them to spend some money in their town. Turns out that a few emails and a phone call did the trick and the whole cast of Orange County Choppers (OCC) showed up for a 4-day run to meet with their fans and sell a few autographed T-shirts.

The Teutuls were just getting started then. They still had a small shop but millions of fans were watching them on TV every week to see that next theme bike being built and to hear the yelling and screaming as Paul Sr and Paul Jr clashed.
Years passed and they built a bigger and bigger reputation. Now they were in a huge building in Newburgh, NY that contained a showroom of their merchandise and products. Tucked in the back of the building is a small factory where their choppers are built in the glare of TV lights and multiple cameras taping everything going on in the creative process including the antics of the Teutuls and their employees.
Many motorcyclists now visit the facility. It's almost a motorcycle mecca. In fact, our group from New Jersey was only a small part of the riders present that day.
I took a few pictures of the new digs for OCC. The place is quite impressive. I have written descriptions and captions for each picture. Take a look.
If you'd like to know more about choppers, take a look at my Choppers article, my Chopper Gallery, and my Choppers subject. I also wrote a book review, Orange County Choppers: The Tale of the Teutuls - A Motorcycle Book Review.
If you decide to take a trip to Orange County Choppers, you won't be disappointed. Just don't expect to see any of the Teutuls there on Sunday, the day we chose to visit.
First picture ©2008 Jane Ann Kern; second picture ©2004 Walter F. Kern
Your speed...
Thanks to those of you participated in my scientific study from the "How Fast Did You Say?" post on thursday July 24th!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Motorcycle Pictures of the Week - Jimi

See Jimi with his 2005 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic. Jimi is shown with his daughter. For details, see Motorcycle Pictures of the Week.
If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Leader's New Swiveling Camera Mount For Motorcycles
If you already have them, let us know what you think (or contact us if you need another set for a gift, or second bike!)
If you haven't yet tried Desert Dawgs but only seen them on someone else's engine guards, these high quality, thick vinyl, leather-look chaps keep your feet warm and dry.
You don't need to be a cross-country rider to appreciate how nice it is to keep a cold or wet wind from blowing up your pant legs, running down into your boots and then pooling up in your socks.
Best of all, Desert Dawgs are perfect for keeping your toes dry and warm during those sudden downpours or those long, rainy hauls.
Already have a pair of Desert Dawgs? Drop us a line and let us know what you think!
And we believe in American made products, and Desert Dawgs are 100% made in the USA!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
With a Little Help From Friends
Introducing the new to me, 1983 Goldwing GL 1100 Interstate previously owned by Deon and Cory of Edmonton Alberta.
I was really torn about whether I should buy a touring bike or go for one of the snazzy next to new cruisers. But in the end when I saw the ad for Deon's bike on the Internet, the deal was done.
I came home for lunch on Monday, sat down to check the latest motorcycle listings on Kijiji and spotted the bike which had only been posted in the last hour.
Breathless and excited I phoned the number and inquired about the bike and asked a bunch of silly questions and laid out a few scenarios on how I could make it to Edmonton (I live three hours away) before the bike was sold, and if we could load it into the back of my truck. The seller, Deon was very patient and tried to answer all of my breathless questions as I was starting to dither bad and was unsure what to do next.
Deon told me that when I finally decided what I was going to do to phone him back.
I paced furiously about the house trying to decide if it was worth the effort to race up to Edmonton to look at the bike, only to have my hopes dashed if someone closer decided to buy it before I could get there.
Dinner was on the table, but all I could think about was the bike. And if you have seen my girth, you would soon notice I haven't missed many dinners. Dinner would have to wait.
It was a no-brainer, this was the bike I had wanted, I would take a chance and jump in the car and head to Edmonton.
I phoned Deon back told him I was coming and much to his credit Deon told me others were coming later in the day to look at the bike but if I was to take the three hour drive to look at the bike, he would wait for me.
I told him I was only going to stop at the bank, grab the cash and maybe have to stop for gas somewhere along the road but I was on my way.
I must have smoked twenty cigarettes on the way to Edmonton constantly fretting about whether the bike would be there when I arrived or if some one else would snatch this Goldwing from my grasp.
Deon gave me some great directions over the phone as I neared his house, and when I walked up his driveway and into the garage I was sold. Deon was there and the bike was there.
Asked if I wanted to take it for a test drive I could only blurt out that if the bike started, I would buy it. Deon cranked the Wing to life and the deal was consummated.
Last week I lamented on the fact that buying a bike should be easy, and so it was, with the help and kindness of the seller. Deon waited for me to make the three hour drive to look at the bike while his phone was ringing off the hook from other buyers, he made it easy for me, for which I am grateful.
I had more help the next day as friends postponed a trip to their Mothers birthday lunch, to drive me up and pick up the bike. I wanted to buy them dinner when we arrived back at Castor but another friend who was happy that I had finally bought a Goldwing fed us for free.
Deon wasn't there when we arrived to pick up the bike, but his wife Cory was and with her help we put on my plate and I was ready to ride. Deon was a half hour away but I was so excited to get on the bike I never waited to thank him again for his help and kindness.
Its a great bike at a great price but the best part is the great people who helped me to be back in the saddle again.
how fast did you say?

Be honest. No exaggerations.
I'm going to use this in a future post with your permissions of course.I have my reasons.
Me, 110 MPH (Aprox.) but I'll say 110. I was not clocking myself. Someone else said I was doing that.
To Mrs. Motorcycle. Disclaimer...If you are reading this, It was a very long time ago, and I NEVER ride like this anymore!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Harley-Davidson Introduces the Tri Glide Ultra Classic for 2009 - a Trike

Harley-Davidson hasn't made a trike since the Servi-Car that started out as a vehicle that could be attached to a customer's car so a mechanic could deliver the car and then use the Servi-Car to return to the garage.
Later the Servi-Car had other uses mainly for police use. Here's a YouTube video of a 1954 Servi-Car now owned by an enthusiast. He shows off the trike with the siren blaring.
Servi-Cars were made from 1932-1973. 35 years have elapsed since then without a trike in the product line -- until now.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has an article by Rick Barrett that gives more details about the new Tri Glide trike. Here's an excerpt:
"There’s a Harley-Davidson coming for those of us seeking more comfort or who have a fear of falling. Harley-Davidson Inc. has introduced a motorcycle for those of us with a taste for comfort or a fear of falling. The Tri Glide Ultra has three wheels and a brand-new chassis design. It retails for $29,000. The maker of Fat Boy and Softail bikes has sized up its customer base and found that many riders would rather be on three-wheelers than two-wheel behemoths that are too tall and too heavy for some people. Starting in the next few weeks, Harley will begin offering three-wheel touring bikes called trikes." -- Rick Barrett
Here's what Harley-Davidson has to say about the Tri Glide in a Press Release on its Website.
It appears that trikes are now more than just kits added to an existing motorcycle. They have attained a new level of acceptance as Harley-Davidson embraces them in its product line and, more importantly, backs them up with Harley-Davidson service.
I've been riding a motorcycle trike for eight years. My wife got hers before I got mine. I wrote an article about her experience in getting her trike.
In the beginning there weren't too many of us out there and we got a lot of attention on the road, in parking lots, and especially at gas pumps. I even wrote an article with standard questions I get and my answers.
I also wrote a How To about learning to ride a trike.
Then I created a Trike Picture Gallery.
Maybe trike riders are becoming mainstream after all. Thanks Harley-Davidson. Let's hope that Harley's 42 year run of Servi-Cars will be surpassed by a 50 year run of Tri Glides.
Picture ©2008 Harley-Davidson
Biker Bracelet
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What not to wear
Monday, July 21, 2008
Looking for Mr Goodbike
I sold my bike and now am on the outside looking in. I stare with awe and bewilderment as I watch people on motorcycles whizzing by on the road, just like when I was a newbie with no motorcycle.
My grand plan to upgrade to a newer and bigger motorcycle ground to a halt as I seem to have hit a sellers market and everything I like and crave is beyond my monetary reach.
Of course not being able to make up my mind and determine what kind of bike I am looking for has cramped my motorcycle shopping.
My mind changes on a hourly basis as to whether I want a cruiser or a touring bike. I believe this may be some kind of mid-life-motorcycle crisis where my motorcycle hormones are raging out of control.
As the riding season slips away my motorcycleless induced bout of insanity slowly drags me into thoughts of rapture as I envision the possibilities of bikes that I will never own and then the thunderous crash of reality hits me as I look at the rats nest of possible mechanics specials that are awaiting me if I make a poor choice.
Motorcycle shopping is not easy, it should be though, last time I bought I went into the dealers and he had one choice for me and I bought it.
Simple and easy, the way it should be.
Biker Joke ....... What's in a name?
She approached him and introduced herself as Carmen.
“That's a beautiful name,” he replied. “Is it a family name?”
He said, “Harley Titsenbeer”. “Nice to meet you”.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Motorcycle Pictures by Year, Make, and Model

Take a look at the new Motorcycle Pictures by Year, Make, and Model.
If you have a picture of your motorcycle, please send it in along with a description of the motorcycle.
Motorcycle Pictures of the Week - Alain

See Alain on his 1985 Harley-Davidson FLT.
If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Grab it Pack product review

On Friday, May 9th, 2008, I posted about the Grab-it Pack™. Here is a link to the original post.
I said "I'm seriously thinking about getting one."
Well I did get one.
So, Here is my product review on the Grab-it Pack™:
I've been using it for a while now, and I absolutely love it.
I use it just about everytime I ride. 99% of the time, It's strapped to me.
It's so comfortable. When I go out for a ride on my motorcycle with it on, I don't hardly even know it's there. Without using any saddle bags, jacket pockets, pants pockets, or other pockets but the Grab-it Pack™ , I'm able to carry Night riding glasses, my wallet, digital camera, cell phone, pocket knife, and room to spare.
It's lightweight, easy to adjust to fit, easy to put on and take off, durable and water resistant with lots of easy access pockets.
I do have basicly one issue with the Grab-it Pack™.
The pocket flaps are a little flimsy, and could maybe use some more velcro.
So I contacted the company. .
I addressed this with them, and was informed that coming soon they will be selling a newer, more durable version that addresses exactly this issue. I look forward to seeing the new one because I'm 99.9% satisfied with the one I own now.
Just the other day a friend and myself went out riding. He wanted to try it. I wouldn't even borrow it to him just try on, because I feard he wouldn't give it back. I'll buy the new version when it comes out, and give him my old one. LOL!
Anyway, if your are into riding motorcycles, bicycles, hiking, fishing, etc., you can't go wrong with a Grab-it Pack™!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Triumph Recalls 2008 Speed Triple for Handlebar Riser Defect
Due to improper machining of the handlebar riser, the handlebar may slip in the clamps. This slippage could cause a loss of control of the motorcycle increasing the risk of a crash.
93 units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
Wicked Women Choppers Recalls 2004 Shady Lady Motorcycles for Frame Problem
The front of the frame where welds attach the back-bone to the neck and welds attach the neck to the down-tube, if not braced with a gusset, stress placed on marginal welds could result in rapid wear on the weld joints and possible joint separation.
Five units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
Piaggio Recalls Moto Guzzi Norge 1200 for Electrical Shorting Problem
The headlight low beam bulb has a "pigtail" wire attached to it. This wire connects the low beam bulb to the motorcycle's wiring harness. It may touch the hardware used to secure the bulb in the reflector. Over time and vibration the insulation may wear through causing the direct short to ground.
646 units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Great Italian Motorcycle Police Video
Great video of some really cool motorcycle coreography.
or see the original video at:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Piaggio Recalls Aprilia Tuono Models for Fuel Hose Defect
The fuel hose connecting the fuel filter to the fuel pump/fuel filter mounting flange may come loose. If this fuel hose connection is loose, or has become completely disconnected, then there will be a drop in, or loss of, fuel pressure to the engine.
977 units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
2008 Harley-Davidson FXCWC Softail Rocker C
Tech. Tip # 7 ..... Protect your paint.
Most companies who do mobile decal striping do this service. Contact them in the yellow pages, on-line, or get a hold of your local body shop. I'm sure they can hook you up.
I bring this about, because there are many needs for motorcycles to have the leading edges protected as well. Such as the fronts of gas tanks, frame down tubes, fairings, hard bags, etc.
Heck, there are even specialized do it yourself kits out there for a wide variety of motorcycles. see: . This site has a place where you can find your particular ride, and order a kit made especially for it.
Keep the paint shiny, and keep the shiny side up!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Noah's Ark 2008 joke
I give you a Noah's Ark Funny, or in this case kinda not so funny!
In the year 2008, the Lord came unto Noah,
who was now living in the United States , and said: 'Once again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me. Build another Ark and save two of every living thing along with a few good humans.'He gave Noah the blueprints, saying: 'You have six months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights.'
Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard - but no Ark.'Noah!' He roared, 'I'm about to start the rain! Where is the Ark ?''Forgive me, Lord,' begged Noah, 'but things have changed.
I needed a building permit.
I've been arguing with the inspector
about the need for a sprinkler system.
My neighbors claim that I've violated the neighborhood zoning laws by building the Ark in my yard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the Development Appeal Board for a decision.
Then the Department of Transportation demanded a bond be posted for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the Ark 's move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it.
Getting the wood was another problem.
There's a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the spotted owl. I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls - but no go!
When I started gathering the animals, an animal rights group sued me. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They argued the accommodations were too restrictive,
and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space.
Then the EPA ruled that I couldn't build the Ark
until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on your proposed flood.
I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew.Immigration and Naturalization are checking the green-card status of most of the people who want to work.
The trade unions say I can't use my sons.
They insist I have to hire only Union workers with Ark-building experience.
To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets,
claiming I'm trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species.
So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this Ark. '
Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine,
and a rainbow stretched across the sky.Noah looked up in wonder and asked,'You mean you're not going to destroy the world?'
'No,' said the Lord.'The government beat me to it.'
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Motorcycle Pictures of the Week - Cindy and Michael

See Cindy on her 2008 Harley-Davidson Sportster 1200C. Also see her husband, Michael, on his 2002 Harley-Davidson Road King Custom outfitted with a trailer.
If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally - August 4-10, 2008

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota takes place this year August 4-10.
Check out my article on this great motorcycle rally. See if you can see me waving in the picture when I attended the 1993 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Getting about time to go back at least one more time.
Noah's Ark Animal Wellfare Association, Inc.

Well the theme of this post was a photograph of a dog with his head sticking out the SUV's window, and the dog was loving life riding in the wind. I figured that particular dog, and most other's who stick out their heads while riding in cars, can surely relate to the way bikers think and feel. There's a burning desire to be in the wind.
Anyway; Via the power of the internet, an organization called Noah's Ark Animal Wellfare Association, Inc., found my picture that I took of this dog, and e-mailed me to ask if they could use my picture for an upcoming newsletter that they were putting together. Of course I said, "Sure". "Use it how you see fit, and thank you for asking!"
Noah's Ark is a pet rescue organization. I feel strongly about encouraging people to get their pets from places like these. There are millions of animals that need good homes at adoption centers, and using these organizations to find a pet of your own is one way to help the fight against puppy mills. I'm not going to go into detail about how awful puppy mills are. You can find that out on the internet if you wish to.
As far back as I can remember, every pet my family has ever had since I was a child has been from the humane society, or an animal rescue center of some sort. My wife and I have kept that tradition going. Pet adoption is the way to go. There are even organizations that have specific breeds, if that's what you're into.
Enough preaching.
Check out my picture in their newletter. The link to the Summer 2008 Newsletter is the one including my photo. You will find it right on the front page!
I'm proud to associate myself with folks like these. As a matter of fact, one of my best friends in the world, is a regular member, and volunteer at a dog rescue center, and I support him too.
For any local motorcycle riders - (Minnesota, Wisconsin); there is a charity motorcycle ride coming up to benefit the Home For Life Animal Sanctuary. .
Details are as follows:
The 5th Annual Ride for Their Lives will be at noon on Saturday, August 23. After a delicious free breakfast for pre-registered riders or $5 dollars for non-registered persons no riding. The ride will depart from the Twin Cities Big Ten Tavern 4703 Highway 10 Arden Hills, MN 55112, and will be escorted through the St. Croix Valley and arrive at HFL around noon. (If you want to ride. You must pre-register!!!!) Cold drinks and a complimentary lunch will await all riders at the sanctuary. Drawing for trips and other fun stuff will follow lunch. All bikers participating in the ride will receive a t-shirt and pin. All bikes are welcome! Registration is $25 per rider. Pre-Register here. . If you aren't planning on riding, the Open House is free and open to the public, but RSVP is required (1-800-252-5918).
Read here for more specific event details: .
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
29 Years of Honda Gold Wing: A Picture Gallery

We present here a look at Honda Gold Wing models from the first model in 1975 to the present as provided in pictures submitted by Motorcycle Views members. A gallery called "29 Years of Honda Gold Wing" is provided that gives a picture and description for each model year from 1975 to 2003.
Take a look at 29 Years of Honda Gold Wing.
Twin City Custom Cycles
Keep up the great work Art and the crew at Twin City Custom Cycles!
They are located at the actual street address: 3280 Hwy 61, Vadnais Heights, MN 55110.