This year I'm publishing highlights of my activities at the 2008 Americade Motorcycle Rally, day by day in a blog. Americade is scheduled for June 2-7, this year. The blog will also include my preparation in getting ready to take the ride to Lake George, NY, my observations while there, the ride home, and getting back to normal.
The trip will now also include intermediate stop-offs at at our son's house in Boonton, NJ (three grandsons) and daughter's house in Middle Grove, NY (grandson and granddaughter). Our daughter made a move to the Saratoga Springs area last year after Americade. Since her house is now 25 miles south of Americade (and on the way), we now have a fringe benefit of making the trip.
Saturday began with a news report on the local TV station that a checkpoint had been established on I87 at the rest area near exit 18. This was a motorcycle checkpoint. Bikes were being pulled over for inspection of helmets, credentials, pipes, and safety equipment. If a cop had probable cause that you might be in violation, they pulled you over. Here's a link to the news story and a video.
The Americade Message Board was abuzz about this checkpoint. Check it out.
It may be that this was only a one-time thing to sound the alarm that motorcycle violators would not be tolerated this year. Some think the state of NY was just looking for more money. Others think that safety was the only concern since there have been too many motorcycle-related accidents at Americade in recent years. Some riders said they would bypass the checkpoint. Some found themselves with money to pay for riding with no motorcycle endorsement on their driver's license or for wearing a non-DOT approved helmet. It remains to be seen whether the checkpoint will be there when the main Americade traffic starts on Monday. I'll let you know.
The majority of my day was spent at a softball game where my granddaughter played and at a baseball game where my grandson played. We got through the softball game with only a few drops of rain. Such was not the case at the baseball game.
We rode into Saratoga Springs, parked on the street, and walked a couple of blocks to the game site. We carried our canvas chairs and umbrellas with us and parked ourselves high on a grassy area that rose above the right field fence. It was great for a few innings but then the rains came. Thunder was heard. I kept waiting for lightning which never came. When the rain got intense, they called the teams into the dugout and covered the field. We sat in the rain under big umbrellas and waited and waited. Finally the rain let up to a sprinkle and men ran onto the field with sand and dirt and brushed everything clean. It was just like in the major leagues. Then the teams rushed back on the field and resumed playing. Several hits were made and a couple of runs came in. Then the rain started again. It poured and everything was soaked including us. The field was covered and again we waited. We sat there like drowning rats for another 10 minutes of intense downpour. Then, mercifully, the game was called and we slinked over dripping water behind us and piled into the car.
We returned home to get into dry clothes. Jane, daughter, and granddaughter headed back to do shopping -- the rain had stopped. I headed for my laptop to do Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4 of my Americade 2008 Blog.
Not much left for today except dinner and relaxation. The trikes sit dry in the garage.
More to follow. Read the blog each day for further reports.
An evolving blog index to these Americade 2008 blog entries is also available.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Americade 2008 - Day 2
This year I'm publishing highlights of my activities at the 2008 Americade Motorcycle Rally, day by day in a blog. Americade is scheduled for June 2-7, this year. The blog will also include my preparation in getting ready to take the ride to Lake George, NY, my observations while there, the ride home, and getting back to normal.
The trip will now also include intermediate stop-offs at at our son's house in Boonton, NJ (three grandsons) and daughter's house in Middle Grove, NY (grandson and granddaughter). Our daughter made a move to the Saratoga Springs area last year after Americade. Since her house is now 25 miles south of Americade (and on the way), we now have a fringe benefit of making the trip.
Thursday started with a phone call to the dentist. He could work her in early at 10 a.m. to fix the chipped tooth.
There wasn't much time left to pack and load the trikes. Some had been done Wednesday night with each trike taking command of one side of the garage. The car had to brave the elements outside for the night. The rest of the loading was done Thursday morning.
We did start the trip promptly at 2 p.m. heading up route 9 then to I287 north to route 80 west and then up to Boonton where our son lives. We arrived out front and one of the grandsons suddenly appeared. All he wanted was a quick ride on one of the trikes. That meant a half block ride back and forth across their driveway.
Here are the two trikes as we arrived and our grandson, waiting for a quick, very slow ride.

Just before starting the ride:

The rest of the evening had no motorcycle content. It did involve my son, his two sons, and Jane and I playing a very long game of Monopoly. I hadn't played in thirty years. I was winning big until my real estate oriented son gained the upper hand by acquiring most of the real estate and charging me over $900 for landing on one of his hotels.
More to follow. Read the blog each day for further reports.
An evolving blog index to these Americade 2008 blog entries is also available.
The trip will now also include intermediate stop-offs at at our son's house in Boonton, NJ (three grandsons) and daughter's house in Middle Grove, NY (grandson and granddaughter). Our daughter made a move to the Saratoga Springs area last year after Americade. Since her house is now 25 miles south of Americade (and on the way), we now have a fringe benefit of making the trip.
Thursday started with a phone call to the dentist. He could work her in early at 10 a.m. to fix the chipped tooth.
There wasn't much time left to pack and load the trikes. Some had been done Wednesday night with each trike taking command of one side of the garage. The car had to brave the elements outside for the night. The rest of the loading was done Thursday morning.
We did start the trip promptly at 2 p.m. heading up route 9 then to I287 north to route 80 west and then up to Boonton where our son lives. We arrived out front and one of the grandsons suddenly appeared. All he wanted was a quick ride on one of the trikes. That meant a half block ride back and forth across their driveway.
Here are the two trikes as we arrived and our grandson, waiting for a quick, very slow ride.

Just before starting the ride:

The rest of the evening had no motorcycle content. It did involve my son, his two sons, and Jane and I playing a very long game of Monopoly. I hadn't played in thirty years. I was winning big until my real estate oriented son gained the upper hand by acquiring most of the real estate and charging me over $900 for landing on one of his hotels.
More to follow. Read the blog each day for further reports.
An evolving blog index to these Americade 2008 blog entries is also available.

Comfort, Speed, Action
Honda CS1 environmental friendliness according to standard Euro 2 specified by the Government, applies straightening machine 4 do not 125 cc, SOHC, equiped Liquid cooled Radiator ( air-conditioned radiator of dilution), proven delayed, bandel, energetic, and responsive, makes Honda CS1 as motorbike exponent which suited for urban and balmy applied to be everyday for dressy young circle, active, and love to become cynosure
Nice Motor Cycle
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Got paint?

The above picture is of carbon fiber. It is not custom painted.
This is a post about hydro graphic printing, A.K.A. hydro graphics. Sometimes mistaken as custom painting. The graphics are so lifelike that you can't believe your eyes at what a custom painter has pulled off. Don't be fooled. This is not custom paint, but rather a custom printing process. It uses an automotive basecoat to acheive the undertone colors, and typically an automotive clearcoat as the finish product, and then wetsanded and buffed just like a custom paint job.
The process starts with prepping the part just like for regular, or custom paint. Any image you can think of that can be photographed can be put onto a special film that dissolves in a special tank of water designed for dipping the part into. The film dissolves and the image floats on the water. Thus allowing the image to be transferred.
Don't get me wrong. There are great things about this process. You can have almost anything put on almost any kind of part you want. But please don't think some great airbrush artist did it, and don't try to sell it as custom paint either. And god forbid, don't pay the custom paint price. Unlike custom paint which is truly one of a kind, anything here can be mass produced.
You've probably seen lots of it without knowing it, such as camoflauge on fourwheelers, etc.
I guess my point is buyer beware.
I know a bike shop that is pushing it to customers as custom paint, without disclosing what it really is.
To me it is no better that a factory decal that has been clearcoated over.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
one liner biker wit
I’d rather be riding my motorcycle thinking about God,

than sitting in church, thinking about riding my motorcycle.

than sitting in church, thinking about riding my motorcycle.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Motor High CC
Harley Davidson Edition Dodge Charger
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Rolling Thunder® XXI

Today on Memorial Day weekend 2008, I awoke to watch on TV the sights of motorcycles arriving in Washington, D.C. All part of Rolling Thunder XXI [1] and [2]. I remembered the feeling I had at Rolling Thunder XVIII in 2005. Here's an account of that rally including pictures:
I had the good fortune to attend Rolling Thunder over Memorial Day weekend in 2005. In fact, I wrote an article about it with pictures. Take a look.
I also noticed that a great video about Rolling Thunder is also available on YouTube. The year of this video is not mentioned but it's either 2005 or 2006. It looks pretty much like the sights that we saw in 2005. Here's the video.
I had the good fortune to attend Rolling Thunder over Memorial Day weekend in 2005. In fact, I wrote an article about it with pictures. Take a look.
I also noticed that a great video about Rolling Thunder is also available on YouTube. The year of this video is not mentioned but it's either 2005 or 2006. It looks pretty much like the sights that we saw in 2005. Here's the video.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Motorcycle Pictures of the Week - Debby and Tony

Here are my Pictures of the Week as displayed on the Motorcycle Views website. These are taken from the Moto Pic Gallery.
See Debby with her 2007 Suzuki Boulevard S40. Also see Tony on his 2002 Harley-Davidson Night Train.
If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
See Debby with her 2007 Suzuki Boulevard S40. Also see Tony on his 2002 Harley-Davidson Night Train.
If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
Kawasaki Recalls KLX250 Models for Throttle/Handlebar Grip Problem
Kawasaki has issued a recall of certain 2009 KLX250T9F and KLX250T9FL motorcycles.
The throttle grip and the handlebar grip may come loose and separate from the handlebar and throttle tube. This creates the potential for a crash resulting in injury or death.
1393 units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
The throttle grip and the handlebar grip may come loose and separate from the handlebar and throttle tube. This creates the potential for a crash resulting in injury or death.
1393 units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Sixth Sense
From the twisted mind of Mr. Motorcycle

I always cary my digital camera to capture moments such as this.
I was riding my motorcycle and pulled up to this truck at a stop light. I noticed something a little odd. The box in the lower left hand corner read in upside down letters, "Dustys Body". I thought to myself, that is odd! This does not look like a hurse. Then I realized it was just a flat bed truck carrying a box with Dusty's dead body in it.
Yes, my sixth sense had kicked in. I see dead people.
I'm guessing no one else can see the dead body but me.
I always cary my digital camera to capture moments such as this.
I was riding my motorcycle and pulled up to this truck at a stop light. I noticed something a little odd. The box in the lower left hand corner read in upside down letters, "Dustys Body". I thought to myself, that is odd! This does not look like a hurse. Then I realized it was just a flat bed truck carrying a box with Dusty's dead body in it.
Yes, my sixth sense had kicked in. I see dead people.
I'm guessing no one else can see the dead body but me.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Good biker joke
Mildred, the church gossip, and self-appointed monitor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose in to other people's business.
Several members did not approve of her extracurricular activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence.
One day Mildred made a mistake.
She accused Frank, a biker, and a new member of the church of being an alcoholic after she saw his Harley parked in front of the town's only bar one afternoon.
She emphatically told Frank and several others that everyone seeing his motorcycle parked in front of the bar during the daytime hours would know what he was doing.
Frank, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment shook his head, hopped on his bike and rode away. He didn't explain, defend, or deny... he said nothing.
Later that evening, Frank quietly pushed his Harley in front of Mildred's house... walked home.... and left it there all night.
Mildred, the church gossip, and self-appointed monitor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose in to other people's business.
Several members did not approve of her extracurricular activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence.
One day Mildred made a mistake.
She accused Frank, a biker, and a new member of the church of being an alcoholic after she saw his Harley parked in front of the town's only bar one afternoon.
She emphatically told Frank and several others that everyone seeing his motorcycle parked in front of the bar during the daytime hours would know what he was doing.
Frank, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment shook his head, hopped on his bike and rode away. He didn't explain, defend, or deny... he said nothing.
Later that evening, Frank quietly pushed his Harley in front of Mildred's house... walked home.... and left it there all night.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Kawasaki Issues Recall of 2006-2007 ZX14 for Frame Defect
Kawasaki has issued a recall of certain 2006-2007 ZX14 motorcycles.
The rear suspension can collapse when a crossmember separates from the frame.
Failure of the frame could result in the rear of the motorcycle collapsing creating the possibility of a crash resulting in injury or death.
At this time, the exact number of defective units has not been reported by Kawasaki.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
I will update this blog entry if more information becomes available.
The rear suspension can collapse when a crossmember separates from the frame.
Failure of the frame could result in the rear of the motorcycle collapsing creating the possibility of a crash resulting in injury or death.
At this time, the exact number of defective units has not been reported by Kawasaki.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
I will update this blog entry if more information becomes available.
Motor Scooters -- Are You Ready for One?

Almost every day, I'm seeing more and more articles about the advantages of owning a motor scooter in a world of ever increasing gas prices.
Here's an excerpt from an article, Born to Be ... Fuel-Efficient, by Jonathan Welsh of the Wall Street Journal that sums up the current economic thinking about motor scooters:
Of course, there are other considerations beyond the price of gas. There's the need to learn how to be safe while riding a motor scooter. Motorcycles are very hard to see as it is and motor scooters are even smaller visual targets for the average motorist.
The average non-motorcyclist has a lot to learn about riding on two wheels. I remember all the scooter accidents I saw while in Bermuda by newbie riders. I think I got a one-minute lesson before I rented my scooter.
I've just revised my article, Motor Scooters - Have Fun While Saving Gas, that summarizes all my motor scooter resources that may assist in introducing motor scooters to the masses.
Don't put your life on the line by getting a motor scooter without proper training and wearing apparel.
Have fun and save gas if you get a motor scooter but remember to first BE SAFE.
Picture ©2004 Lonnie W. Cavenee
Here's an excerpt from an article, Born to Be ... Fuel-Efficient, by Jonathan Welsh of the Wall Street Journal that sums up the current economic thinking about motor scooters:
"Chris Casal, a Brooklyn, N.Y., elementary-school teacher, used to drive to work almost every day, mainly because it took 12 minutes compared with an hour by subway. But rising fuel and parking costs made the trip 'kind of ridiculous,' he says. So last year he bought a Vespa GTS scooter that uses about $7 of fuel every two weeks instead of the $30 his Honda Civic consumed. He parks free in the schoolyard, and the two-wheeler impresses his students."
Of course, there are other considerations beyond the price of gas. There's the need to learn how to be safe while riding a motor scooter. Motorcycles are very hard to see as it is and motor scooters are even smaller visual targets for the average motorist.
The average non-motorcyclist has a lot to learn about riding on two wheels. I remember all the scooter accidents I saw while in Bermuda by newbie riders. I think I got a one-minute lesson before I rented my scooter.
I've just revised my article, Motor Scooters - Have Fun While Saving Gas, that summarizes all my motor scooter resources that may assist in introducing motor scooters to the masses.
Don't put your life on the line by getting a motor scooter without proper training and wearing apparel.
Have fun and save gas if you get a motor scooter but remember to first BE SAFE.
Picture ©2004 Lonnie W. Cavenee
Skyrocketing gas prices.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
motorcycle friendly road
Monday, May 19, 2008
one liner biker wit
Everyone will die.

Not everyone will live.

Ride to live, live to ride!
The pictures above are some of my friends. I took the photos while riding behind them this Saturday. This road is running parallel to the Mississippi River. We were doin a little "Living".
Not everyone will live.
Ride to live, live to ride!
The pictures above are some of my friends. I took the photos while riding behind them this Saturday. This road is running parallel to the Mississippi River. We were doin a little "Living".
On Thursday, May 15th, 2008, I became an official member of MBI.

I'm proud to be a part of the Motorcycle Bloggers International group. A.K.A., MBI.
I hope I can contribute something worthwile as I continue to blog.
Thanks to those of you who stop by and read my site.
To those at MBI,
Thank you for accepting me into your community.
It is an honor.
Mr. Motorcycle
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Motorcycle Pictures of the Week - Cheryl

Here are my Pictures of the Week as displayed on the Motorcycle Views Web site. These are taken from the Moto Pic Gallery.
See Cheryl with her 2007 Suzuki Boulevard C50 with a Towpac 2 Insta Trike installed.
If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
See Cheryl with her 2007 Suzuki Boulevard C50 with a Towpac 2 Insta Trike installed.
If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tech. Tip #5 Show Car or Show Bike Shine
Many people often wonder what is the best product to get a show car, or show bike shine witout a professional detail job.
Here we need to address Waxes & glazes, and another product called Wizard's Mist n Shine.
As far as getting that luster back in your old paint, or bringing out a show quality shine in a somewhat shiny paint to begin with, I prefer Race Glaze, or a McGuires brand glaze. "Not a wax". Glazes give you that high luster sheen, and unlike waxes, don't leave a hard crusty white powdery film that is really hard to remove once dry. They go on easy, and wipe off easy. Both products can be applied with a buffer, or by hand. I've used, and still do use both.

Lots of people swear by Wizard's Mist and Shine.

I think this is o.k. for quick cleanups, and shines, but does not compare to a glaze. Because it has alot of cleaning agent in it, I've actually had it remove the glaze I just applied, and lost the high luster shine to get Wizard's Mediocre Luster. I thought it would build on the shine but did just the opposite. This is when I realized that nothing tops a good glaze for a show bike quality shine.
Keep in mind, glazes are not permanent, and need to be re-applied every so often. I re-apply glaze to my tins about every time I clean the bike, and it only takes about 3-5 minutes.
Good luck!
Here we need to address Waxes & glazes, and another product called Wizard's Mist n Shine.
As far as getting that luster back in your old paint, or bringing out a show quality shine in a somewhat shiny paint to begin with, I prefer Race Glaze, or a McGuires brand glaze. "Not a wax". Glazes give you that high luster sheen, and unlike waxes, don't leave a hard crusty white powdery film that is really hard to remove once dry. They go on easy, and wipe off easy. Both products can be applied with a buffer, or by hand. I've used, and still do use both.

Lots of people swear by Wizard's Mist and Shine.

I think this is o.k. for quick cleanups, and shines, but does not compare to a glaze. Because it has alot of cleaning agent in it, I've actually had it remove the glaze I just applied, and lost the high luster shine to get Wizard's Mediocre Luster. I thought it would build on the shine but did just the opposite. This is when I realized that nothing tops a good glaze for a show bike quality shine.
Keep in mind, glazes are not permanent, and need to be re-applied every so often. I re-apply glaze to my tins about every time I clean the bike, and it only takes about 3-5 minutes.
Good luck!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
One liner biker wit
I only feel like riding my motorcycle on days that end with the letter "Y".
I only feel like riding my motorcycle on days that end with the letter "Y".
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Exile Cycles (NOT!!!!)
I was driving down the road on Monday, and spottted this bike in front of me. We came up to a stop light. I saw a sticker on the back and had to see what it said. "Exile cycles".
I was humored.

I was humored.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Suzuki ShoGun 125 Modifies #2
Part of my weekend with a bit of insider humor.
My wife is a knitter. I ride, she knits. This works.

To satisfy her knitting paraphenalia, we go the the Washington County state fair grounds each year for what is called the Shepherd's Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival.
The picture above is of some angora goats.
This is where knitters, and such can show off and sell their wares, including raw fibers to be spun into yarn, etc.
Anyway, beyond the fresh real kettle corn, and seeing all of the different stuff people make, One thing caught my eye. This is for you Ronman!
Can you believe it! Everywhere you go, no matter what the event, or day, there is almost always something to post about.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tech. Tip #4. It's all in the details
Tech Tip #4. It's all in the details is kind of a continuation of tech tip #1. Hiding or making the gas tank mount brackets blend in, is an important detail to me. This is part of making a bike look clean.


Tech Tip #4. It's all in the details is kind of a continuation of tech tip #1. Hiding or making the gas tank mount brackets blend in, is an important detail to me. This is part of making a bike look clean.
Another way to look at the little details, or better yet, not notice them is by blacking out, and silvering out nuts, bolts, & wires. You can do this with a simple can of spray paint in black, and one in silver, and a cheap brush.
Flat paints work best. Simply spray a puddle into a plastic cap, aluminum can bottom, or onto a piece of cardboard.
. Apply to the nut or bolt head, wire, or what ever it is that you are trying to make blend in.
. Keep in mind I recently had work done to my bike, so some of the nuts, bolts, etc. that I had blacked out, got damaged, during repairs, so I needed to re-do them. I have a couple of before and after shots below that show you examples. And some additional shots of afters. Some are wires, some are hose clamps, etc. But you get the point.
Before: Notice the gas tank mount bolt head, and the side to side gas tank hose clamps.


This makes a very subtle difference, but it's sometimes what you don't see, or don't notice that makes a difference. The object is to get things that should not stand out to blend into the back ground.
This is a simple detailing trick that anyone can use, and anyone can do it themselves.
Mr. Motorcycle
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